December 2, 2022
This week: Excellent tips for navigating kitchen table discussions over the holiday period, a piece on the World Cup’s beer ban that made us consider our cultural relationship with alcohol, a scientific explanation of why we instantly feel like a petulant teen every time our parents are around, Slice’s Spotify Wrapped wrap up, and more

If you’re already preparing yourself for *those* Christmas table discussions, here are some excellent conversation starters to help you steer the conversation more towards weirdest job stories and far away from babies, politics and religion

… and bookmark these tips on disagreeing with people without making them defensive for when *that* uncle inevitably says something wildly questionable

Relieved to find out there’s a reason we turn back into petulant teenagers in our family homes (it’s not our fault – it’s science)

We’re not sure how anyone is still surprised by Trump’s lack of judgement, but his exceedingly poor taste in dinner guests has him backpedaling hard

Are Portia’s outfits on White Lotus so bad they’re good?

If you live in a home with a gas cooktop or stove, you need to read this

Emma Corrin’s call for gender-inclusive awards made us wonder why entertainment industry awards are gendered in the first place

British influencer Lydia Milen pissed off nearly everyone in the UK this week after telling her followers she was going to stay at an expensive hotel because her heater at home stopped working (all while the rest of the country freezes because they can’t afford to turn theirs on). If this wasn’t enough to show how out of touch she is, her responses to followers certainly are. What do you think: complete idiocy or the perfect PR stunt?

The best memes of 2022 (sharing a Vogue article on memes might be undeniably millennial, but it was fun to reminisce)

This piece in the New Yorker on the World Cup’s beer ban has some interesting things to say about the cultural significance of alcohol

15 people on how they’re cutting costs and saving money in these tough times

Australia’s top foodies have weighed in on what should be your Christmas table this year and how to make cooking for a crowd less stressful

If you’re already sick of seeing everyone’s Spotify Wrapped, sorry not sorry here’s ours: Hamish has a big head about Spotify telling him he’s got adventurous taste, Lizzie listened to more Catfish and the Bottleman than she’d care to admit, Michaela’s top artists haven’t changed since she was in high school (and it shows), Maddie’s evening listening personality was “bogan angst sad boi” (the most accurate nonsense we’ve ever read), and Jeremy’s most played song was the opening theme to a cartoon – no surprises there

And in other bits and bobs from around the ‘net: Of course a male journalist would ask this question to two female prime ministers (how embarrassing for him), UNESCO loves baguettes just as much as we do, stop trying to make mpox happen, we’re def playing this game at Christmas parties, the best TV shows people have watched in 2022 according to Twitter, this POV of writing The White Lotus theme song hits hard, your friend who just won’t admit they’re not gonna come, this woman used Taylor Swift lyrics to chat to a guy on Bumble and he never cottoned on, we hard agree with Millie Ford’s cup and jug theory, single people having a swipe at night and this kid’s face is gold

What we've been watching, cooking, listening to and reading this week...

Vanessa, content & strategy director

Listening to: Grace Dent’s excellent podcast Comfort Eating. This week’s guest is Succession screenwriter Georgia Pritchett and I loved hearing her dish out all the behind-the-scenes tidbits as well as her comfort eats
Cooking: I can’t believe I got influenced by a TikTok ad but I guess I’m putting mayo in my ramen now? (but kewpie, obvs)
Buying: The new Smitten Kitchen cookbook ‘Keepers’ immediately


Maddie, social media coordinator

Going to: This clothes swap in Adelaide this weekend
Making: Potato skin chippies. I’m doubtful but will report back


Hamish, content coordinator

Making: This grilled corn salad that tastes exactly like Zambrero
Listening: To Ezra Klein discuss the changing relationship between politics and the media with author George Saunders (grim but incredibly interesting)