July 8, 2022
This week: Reactions to the final nail in Boris Johnson’s coffin, a gentle reminder to rest, the disappointing reasons Bette Middler and #RIPMacyGrey were trending on Twitter, stories from women who have cheated, Anne Helen Petersens take on why your office’s hybrid work plan sucks, and more

Last night, UK current affairs show Newsnight replaced its end credits with a rolling list of all the resigned ministers set to an acoustic version of Bittersweet Symphony and it's just the icing on the cake really

The 10-year-old tweet that still defines the Internet

Bette Middler found herself in hot water this week after publishing a tweet that many in the Twitter sphere found transphobic. She’s since backtracked, citing this article from the NYT as the inspiration for her tweet, but it looks like the damage has been done (we wonder what this means for Hocus Pocus 2 🥺)… aaaand in a similar vein, #RIPMacyGray began trending this week after the singer went on Piers Morgan Uncensored (🚩🚩🚩) and gave a hot take on people’s “parts” that no one asked for

This grotesque portrait of a white supremacy dinner party is addictive reading

Stories from women who have cheated [“I was not looking for an affair. I don’t think anyone goes looking for one, but it’s true that there were fault lines in my marriage. My husband and I led lives that felt very remote from one another. He would eat dinner with his parents. I would go to the gym. I was concerned about our lack of a sex life, he saw no issue. ‘We’ll sort it once we start trying for children,’ he used to say. But we never did."]

This interview with Chris Pratt in Men’s Health is celebrity profile gold (we get the feeling his PR team paid a shit load for this)

What rest is (and what it is not). Reading this felt like a warm hug

An explainer on how we got to #GentleMinions (aka teenage boys wearing suits to watch the new Minions movie) and why millennials and Gen Z do memes so differently

Looking for Alibrandi is 30 years old and now we feel old (also: there’s going to be a stage play!)

This piece in the Atlantic on why air travel is such a disaster right now is pretty US-centric but every reason they give for the long lines, missed connections and lost baggage explains why air travel is f**ked pretty much EVERYWHERE now

Really vibing maximalist interiors this week, especially the clashing patterns in this remote Swedish home, this cosy, crazily patterned LA house, and the eclectic design choices in this farmhouse that somehow just work

If you love “popping to the shops” every day, we reckon you’ll love reading this 

As usual, Anne Helen Petersen is on the money when it comes to how companies are doing their flexi working schemes allll wrong

In other news: The most interesting insights from the Australian census, 10,000 years of branding explained in six minutes, the way food reminds us of people (with a cracking risotto recipe), the immense power of BookTok, five ways to look after yourself and support others, the crate escape, us every weekday at 3.30pm in 2005, stealing this ramen hack, POV it’s July 4, all brands at the end of midnight on June 30, sloppy slacks, how the IG algorithm works in 2022, the girl who just got back from France, where to get the best iconic dishes in countries around the world (think ramen in Tokyo and pastries in Paris), Amazon is turning the Lord of the Rings into TV series and spending a cool $465m on the first season.

What we've been watching, cooking, listening to and reading this week...

, content & strategy director

Buying: These horoscope jumpers
Downloading: Copper, a new app for authors and readers to discover and share book recommendations
Watching: I’m not a huge nature doco fan but I’ve fallen fully under the spell of Barack Obama’s soothing voice in his Netflix series Our Great National Parks
Cooking: Adam Liaw’s winter vegetable pancakes


Lizzie, managing director

Listening: Naive, Isabella Manfredi’s new song
Watching: I’ve smashed through the new season of Workin’ Moms on Netflix this week


Hamish, content coordinator

Listening: I’d never heard of the Unabomber until listening to this podcast that discusses the case, but I’ve been hooked by the fact that it centres around an anti-technology manifesto that sounds even more compelling today as it did in the 90s
Eating: I bought too many beets at the farmers market last weekend, so I’ve ended up eating almost exclusively picked beetroot and beetroot dip all week – not sick of either yet


(Meet the whole Slice team here!)