May 6, 2022
This week: A brief and incomplete list of the people and institutions that can go f*ck themselves this week, Roxane Gay writes with justifiable rage about what’s at stake when Roe v Wade is overturned, a startling honest account of #Vanlife, Alison Roman on cooking for dietary restrictions, a raw and honest essay in the Guardian about the before and after of motherhood, and more

A brief and incomplete list of the people and institutions that can go f*ck themselves this week

… and just a reminder that Australia isn’t perfect either

Roxane Gay writes with justifiable rage about what’s at stake when Roe v Wade is overturned

Not sure whether to scoff at this Guardian piece about manifesting or… to start manifesting like a mofo??

The internet served up some meaty celebrity profiles this week, including actor Natasha Lyonne dishing up Russian Doll intel in the LA Times, Sienna Miller in the Guardian talking about taking on the tabloids, and a surprisingly harsh profile of Elisabeth Moss in the New Yorker

Obsessed with Angelica Hicks' recreations of Met dresses (this one, this one, and this one)

A startling honest account of #Vanlife

Martha Stewart charged people a $250 entry fee to come to something called a ‘tag sale’ at her mansion last weekend and reading this first-hand account by the writer Choire Sicha is the next best thing to being there in person (“Martha Stewart’s various outbuildings and guest houses and cellars and rafters in Bedford, New York, have been filling up for years, so in an apparent fit of spring enthusiasm (and a need for filmed content), she had everyone over this past weekend to buy her castoffs.”)

Accidentally left the caps lock on and typed something, but can't be bothered to start again and retype it all? You need to bookmark this stat

Alison Roman on cooking for dietary restrictions

TikTok is normalising leg-lengthening surgery amongst men to make themselves permanently taller 😭

In tech news: Snapchat’s new Dress Up hub allows users to try stuff on through AR lenses and take pics to share with friends, Meta continues to chase TikTok with updated Reels monetisation options and a full-screen, scrollable interface in the works, Pinterest quietly launched a new live-streaming app, TikTok is going to start sharing ad revenue with creators, and Netflix just fired a bunch of journalists – mainly women and people of colour – they only hired four months ago and gave them like two weeks severance and fair to say that the internet is pretty mad about that

Motherhood, before and after

Other stuff and things… Gen Z has well and truly taken over the ALP’s TikTok account and we’re 100% here for it, a safe place for anyone who’s ever wanted to learn a TikTok dance, it’s #FlashbackFriday with this uncanny vocal doppelgänger for 2009 J-Biebs, here’s an essential explainer for anyone struggling to keep up with the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard case, Gen Z office calendars, HR in 2022, finally a realistic morning routine on Tiktok, real life stories of people objecting at weddings, singer-songwriter Megan Washington has acquired the rights to turn our favourite Christmas song into a movie, this video explainer of how postwar Italy created the paparazzi is FASCINATING, we’re all in agreement that shepherd avocado season is the WORST right? and the email that shocked the internet this week

What we've been watching, cooking, listening to and reading this week...

Vanessa ->

Eating: Tofu, now that I’ve finally found a way to make it taste crispy and good. I’ve been pressing it, cubing it, seasoning with soy sauce and olive oil, coating with cornstarch and baking for around 30-40 minute until it no longer tastes like tofu, basically

Watching: The Staircase is getting amazing reviews and that’s my weekend watching sorted

Listening: Phoebe Bridgers’ new single Sidelines

Lizzie ->

Cooking: Burnt butter, sage and pumpkin lasagna

Watching: Slow Horses on Apple TV. I’m a sucker for a good spy drama

Knitting: I’m attempting to knit an ‘easy cardigan’ 🤯 It took me four hours to complete three rows, so check back with me in 2026!